Connect. Collaborate. Learn.

Therapy and Support

Support Groups

Scheduled or drop-in sessions for groups of anonymous or known participants.

Exposure Therapy

Supervised simulations of realistic and repeatable anxiety-inducing scenarios.

PTSD Treatment

Supervised CBT and EMDR sessions performed in-person or remotely.

Individual & Group Therapy

Immersive, therapeutic environments for facilitating connection and openness.

Pyschodrama Therapy

Guided role play through life-like avatars acting in realistic settings.

Play Therapy

A limitless playroom without the feeling of being watched or judged.

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Soft Skills Development

Curriculum Enhancement

Classroom and online study to advance soft skills and language learning.

Team Building

Remote and in-person exercises and games to hone teamwork and collaboration.

Hiring Assessments

Turn-to-life workplace scenarios designed to evaluate potential hires.

Business Skills

Scenarios to practice listening, speaking, negotiation, networking, and other skills.

Workplace Simulations

Simulations for anything from customer service issues, inclusion and subconscious bias, to doctor-patient visits.

Interpersonal Coaching

Remote coaching for conflict management, self-awareness, dating, and more.

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Corporate Collaboration

Live Demonstrations

Watch proceduralor product demos from any viewpoint in real time.

Joint Assessments

Review and assess concepts and 3D assets in immersive settings.

Scene Recreation

Re-examine real-life incidents like crime scenes or traffic accidents.

Group Walkthroughs

Naviagte and annotate detailed environments with clients or colleagues.

Design Thinking Workshops

Organize stickies, diagram user journeys, create empathy maps in 3D space.

Product & Packaging Reviews

Collaboratively review 3D models from any angle, modify, and share.

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What Others Have To Say About Us

“Virtual Reality is providing healing opportunities to patients that once could not leave their homes and were suffering in silence. Virtual Reality capabilities offer support and assistance to patients around the world, in the comfort of their home. This is especially rewarding to patients that are immobile or unable to engage with a group in-person. It also provides high quality care from leading doctors that patients might otherwise not have had access to.

Eran Orr
CEO of XRHealth

“Your brain actually assumes you’ve experienced the simulated environment, and it brings educational concepts to life for students. When they leave class, they don’t say, ‘We learned about negotiating today’; they say, ‘I negotiated today,’ or, ‘I led a business meeting today.’ When you have the headset on, it feels real, and that experience creates confidence.”

Lyron Bentovim
Adjunct Lecturer at Fordham Gabelli School of Business

“The VR technology offered by Foretell Reality allows users to jointly partake as avatars in a shared experience which cannot be replicated over conference call or video chat.”

Asher Marks, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Hematology/Oncology) and Director of Pediatric Neuro-Oncology

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