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Therapy and Support

The Team at Yale Medical School Talks About Their Emotional Support Program for Adolescent Cancer Patients Using Foretell Reality

“It’s that point in growth where you are stuck. You’re in between childhood and adulthood. You are trying to work your way through … the social structure of the world.”

-Asher Marks, MD

“And then you throw a cancer diagnosis on top of that, and … everything else takes a back seat.”

-Amanda Garbatini, LCSW

Meet Dr. Asher Marks and Amanda Garbatini

At Yale Medical School, Dr. Asher Marks and Amanda Garbatini are at the forefront of bridging the gap between medical treatment and mental health support for adolescents with cancer. Their commitment to improving the well-being of these young patients is truly commendable. They work with a population with particular struggles, conducting clinical research using emerging technology and writing a protocol to address every possible challenge that might occur using virtual reality remotely with the pediatric population.

Research Population and Measures

One of the significant barriers to effectively treating adolescent cancer patients is their mental health. Anxiety and depression can hinder the healing process, making it crucial to integrate mental health support into their treatment plans. Yale’s groundbreaking research focuses on assessing the impact of VR-based interventions on adolescent cancer patients’ resilience, depression, and anxiety. By carefully measuring these parameters, they aim to understand how VR can be used to bolster psychological well-being during cancer treatment.

Results That Inspire Hope

The clinical progress observed through this innovative approach is nothing short of inspiring. Preliminary results indicate that VR experiences provided using Foretell’s platform can significantly enhance the resilience of adolescents with cancer while reducing their levels of depression and anxiety.

The Power of VR

Foretell’s VR platform offers a diverse range of activities that cater to the unique needs of adolescent cancer patients. From guided relaxation sessions to immersive experiences that transport them to serene environments, VR becomes a therapeutic tool to ease their emotional burden. As Amanda Garbatini aptly puts it, VR creates a “safe space” for these young individuals. It offers them a respite from the harsh realities of cancer treatment and allows them to explore soothing and engaging environments, fostering a sense of empowerment and control over their own experiences.


Yale Medical School’s collaboration with Foretell is an example of how innovative technologies can enhance the treatment of difficult diseases. By addressing the mental health needs of adolescents with cancer, they are not only enhancing their quality of life but also paving the way for connections, friendships, and support within an isolating journey. Through VR peer support groups, the journey of healing becomes a holistic experience that empowers young patients to conquer their challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.

Read the research protocol below:

JMIR Research Protocols – Use of Immersive Virtual Reality Spaces to Engage Adolescent and Young Adult Patients With Cancer in Therapist-Guided Support Groups: Protocol for a Pre-Post Study

About Foretell

Foretell is dedicated to improving the lives of patients and healthcare providers through the transformative power of virtual reality. To learn more about Foretell and how it is transforming the healthcare landscape, visit our website.

Coaching, Collaboration, Industry News, Soft Skills, VR-Related

Foretell Reality for Co-Existence Through Co-Education in Israel Schools

In the classrooms of Israel’s middle schools, an extraordinary revolution is happening. This isn’t your typical lesson plan or group project, but an innovative and immersive journey into history using virtual reality (VR). Foretell Reality, a leading virtual reality platform, is the exciting vehicle driving this educational transformation.

Imagine Jewish, Muslim, and Christian students embarking on a virtual journey together. They explore historically significant sites, like Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, Beth Shean, and Ramla, without leaving their classrooms or homes. Yet, they do so as avatars that transcend their personal backgrounds, making them immune to the conventional stigmas and prejudices that could cloud their real-life interactions. This digital exercise levels the playing field, fostering an open exchange of perspectives, and encouraging a deeper understanding of each other’s cultural narratives.

The power of Foretell Reality’s immersive environments lies not only in the ability to show panoramic pictures of these historic sites but also in the unique social interactions they facilitate among the students who are represented as avatars they customized themselves. In Foretell, students gathered around a virtual campfire, sharing PowerPoint presentations about the history of real locations that are related to their heritage. These virtual settings became platforms for playful engagement, whether it’s tossing around a virtual ball, splashing in a digital pool, or simply engaging in one-on-one conversations in various virtual settings.

Click here for more information on the project, and visit our website to learn more about Foretell Reality or to schedule a demo.

Coaching, Collaboration, Industry News, Soft Skills, VR-Related

Foretell Reality’s Conversational AI

Generative AI-powered language models have exploded in popularity and entered the mainstream in recent months, with the most notable mention being ChatGPT from AI research and deployment company OpenAI.

The new conversational AI feature in Foretell Reality utilizes GPT-3 to enable VR experiences to respond to natural language inputs from users. With this integration, users can communicate with virtual characters in a conversational manner on the Foretell VR platform, similar to real-life interactions. This AI integration could revolutionize the way users interact and engage in virtual environments across multiple industries, including healthcare, education, training, and marketing.

The functionality will provide a higher level of engagement in virtual environments, creating a more realistic and lifelike experience. Applications for the new technology could include soft skills training and enable employees or students to simulate professional and social interactions with customers, partners, and each other.

Foretell Reality General Manager, Dror Goldberg said: “The integration of AI into our VR platform and experiences will help accelerate the adoption of VR technology and make it a more effective medium for our key customers in the education and healthcare sectors. AI can also be used to assess trainees’ performance and provide feedback and analytics.”

Virtual being Jessica listens to voice prompts in VR to answer a user’s questions. The Glimpse Group’s President & CEO, Lyron Bentovim, commented: “This AI integration is expected to be a game changer for the industry driving a much more engaging, realistic, and effective immersive experience. Not only will it enhance the overall user experience but also open up new avenues for interaction and exploration within virtual environments. We are proud to be at the forefront of this technological evolution and will continue to focus on building and implementing the opportunities AI offers across our companies and technologies.”

Foretell Reality’s integration of GPT-3 is certainly another inevitable step towards creating more realistic immersive experiences and is just one of many examples of recent AI integrations that could mark an inflection point for the XR industry in terms of enhanced interactions with virtual beings powered by sophisticated AI models.

For more information or to schedule a demo, please visit our website.


Social Prescription with Virtual Reality

What is Social Prescribing?

Social prescription is a method used by healthcare professionals to refer patients to non-medical sources of support, such as community groups, charities, or arts and leisure activities. These activities are normally conducted in community centers or social settings. The aim of social prescribing is to help address social, emotional, and practical needs that may be contributing to their health condition.

Why VR?

Virtual reality (VR) is conducive to social prescribing as a way to provide people with non-pharmacological interventions for a range of physical and mental health conditions. VR is a technology that supplements in-person or online activities, as well as a standalone intervention. One example of social prescribing in VR is recreational therapy, where patients get together with therapists virtually to play games and sports or to try out new hobbies.

VR transcends the limitations of social prescribing exercises in person because it removes the logistical hurdles of transportation, space, and required equipment. It also surpasses the capabilities of video calling by allowing participants to interact with each other and virtual objects in three dimensions. It offers simulations that would not be accessible in any other format due to the high cost, the physical and mental availability of patients, or even the rules of physics and nature.

How is Social Prescribing Used?

Overall, the use of VR for social prescribing can be a powerful tool for providing non-pharmacological interventions to patients and helping them to improve their physical and mental health. To use VR for social prescribing, healthcare professionals first assess the needs of their patients and determine which VR experiences would be most appropriate. Next, they refer the patients to the right VR program and follow up to monitor their progress and adjust the intervention as needed. This process is sometimes complemented by metrics provided in VR apps such as speaking time, gaze, and other biosensors if provided by the platform and accompanying hardware.

VR Social Prescribing for Mental Health

Luckily, social prescribing in VR can be an effective intervention for many different groups of people with a variety of mental health conditions. Some common examples are as follows:

Anxiety and stress: VR programs that use techniques such as exposure therapy or relaxation training can be helpful for people with anxiety and stress. For example, a VR program might involve mindfulness meditation workshops for multiple people to come together regularly in VR.

Social isolation: VR programs that offer social support and connection can be helpful for people who are isolated or lonely. For example, a VR program might connect patients with similar health conditions in virtual reality support groups, allowing them to share their experiences and offer each other support.

Other mental health conditions: VR programs that offer cognitive behavioral therapy or other mental health treatments can be helpful for people with mental health conditions. For example, a VR program might involve helping a patient with depression to identify and challenge negative thought patterns by utilizing behavioral therapy techniques like cognitive restructuring.

VR Social Prescribing for Physical Health

Chronic pain: VR programs that offer guided relaxation stretching or yoga exercises can be helpful for people with chronic pain. For example, VR programs that guide patients through a series of stretching exercises and relaxation techniques can help them manage their discomfort and learn from each other. When these sessions are conducted in groups, it can encourage participation and build a sense of community over time.

Physical rehabilitation: VR programs that involve virtual reality exercise and movement can be helpful for people undergoing physical rehabilitation. Especially because they can be done from home at the patient’s will. As an example, a VR program might involve recreational therapy activities like VR golfing or ping-pong to help them regain strength and mobility after an injury or surgery. This, in turn, can help them maintain their mental health as well.

These are just a few examples of how VR can be used for social prescribing. VR programs can also be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the patient, making them a highly flexible and effective tool for improving health outcomes.

Foretell Reality

Foretell Reality is a VR platform used to enhance social interaction by allowing professionals to conduct group or one-on-one sessions with their customers. Among our use cases are support groups, soft skills training, exposure therapy, and recreational activities like roasting marshmallows and playing the guitar by a campfire. We offer professionals customizable solutions that are most appropriate for their patients and use cases. Please visit our website to schedule a demo.


Can digital technologies play a role in social prescribing models? (

VR Applications: 23 Industries using Virtual Reality (

Loneliness and Social Isolation –

ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue (

Coaching, Other, Soft Skills, VR-Related

Foretell Reality for Special Education and Soft Skills Development

In their recent article, Questar III Boces explains how they found success using Foretell Reality in their classrooms for special education. Questar III is a Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and educates approximately 1,600 students in various programs including career and technical education (CTE)New Visionspre-K, and special education. Questar III also provides affordable management and administrative services ranging from grant writing to financial planning.

Student Satisfaction

Foretell Reality partnered with Questar III to create training sessions for key soft skills like employer expectations, customer service, and mock interviews for students from three different education centers. 84% of students using Foretell indicated that the VR experience was “easier than in person”, and 14% specified that it was easier thanks to the increased focus on a survey.

The Work Readiness and Transition Perspective

“There are some real benefits to using virtual reality with our students … Not only do we see increased engagement and focused attention from our students, but it also provides them with more knowledge retention and boosted creativity,” says Jon Levine, Work Readiness and Transition Coordinator for Questar III BOCES Special Education.

Levine says that VR classes relieved anxiety for their students because they gave them an opportunity to practice soft skills that they were not exposed to. Indeed, 72% of the students indicate that the use of virtual reality highly benefits their education, and gave the highest score for wanting to see more VR and Foretell Reality applications in future lessons.

Teacher Reviews

“I think VR offers engaging additional practice and create a realistic environment that can help future employees be more prepared for the process.” says a teacher using Foretell Reality as part of the program. “Most of our students are very engaged with the technical world and very much enjoyed their experience,” they add. All teachers interviewed agree on the benefits of engagement and realism provided by VR simulations in classrooms and express positive sentiments about its potential.

Coaching, Collaboration, VR-Related

Industries Using VR for Employee Training

Learning in VR

The ability to embody a role in learning experiences has proven to speed learning. Virtual Reality (VR) technology allows for completely immersive and engaging training experiences where learners are not just observers or note-takers, but become active participants in their training. At the same time, VR has a unique ability to surround the learner with content, guidance, and feedback that offers a different way of learning than any other technology or toolkit (Adept XR).

Training Solutions

Training is shown to be one of the factors that influence new employee happiness and retention (Lauhman, 2020). In fact, organizations with a strong onboarding and training process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70% (Gayatri, 2020). In contrast to in-person and online training, new employee training in VR can be done at any given time or location, without any external distractions. With remote jobs rising in number, VR is in a unique position to help thousands of employers and employees worldwide.

In manufacturing companies, employees who received training in VR or AR produced 30% more goods that met quality standards, made nearly 40% fewer errors than traditionally trained employees, and completed tasks 3.25x faster than traditionally trained employees. (Zawadski, 2020). Plus, by investing in VR headsets for employee onboarding, technology services company Accenture reduced their onboarding costs by an estimated 96.4%. This goes to show that VR can revolutionize not only training programs and their satisfaction but also the future performance of a company.

Just a few other commercial companies that use VR training for their employees are Goodway, Walmart, Porsche, KFC, Lufthansa, and H&R Block. The returns that they are seeing are incredible: After implementing VR training to improve the customer experience, H&R Block employees reported learning essential skills to manage difficult conversations. As a result, the company saw a 50% decrease in dissatisfied customers, a 9.9% decrease in customer handling times, and significantly faster issue resolution times among the representatives who completed the program.

The best part is that VR training can be adapted to any company and need. Without the need for extra personnel, gathering everyone together in a physical space, or programming activities for each new cohort, VR training solutions create a fun and effective learning experience that can be tailored to any company and training. The sky is the limit in terms of physics, equipment, and environments that can be featured in an experience. Not only do you feel like you are meeting new people, but thanks to the practice you get, your confidence increases as well.


VR provides a fun and immersive way to start learning a new skill, a new job, or even an entirely new career. It has shown benefits across manufacturing, service, and healthcare companies, as well as the military. By taking away the pressure of failure, VR training eases the learning curve. Plus, it drastically reduces the time, effort, and capital required from companies, and increases employee satisfaction.

Foretell Reality

Foretell Reality offers customized training solutions for educational institutions, enterprises, and hospitals. The Foretell platform supports as many as 25 learners at once, so your teams can learn from each other, and get to know their coworkers. We provide detailed analytics and feedback based on body language and speech, as well as performance improvements over time. Please visit our website for more information or to schedule a demo.

Industry News, Other, Therapy and Support, VR-Related

Foretell Reality at AWE with Yale University

Asher Marks, MD, Medical Director of Pediatric Neuro-Oncology at Yale University School of Medicine, recently spoke at AWE Europe about his collaboration with Foretell Reality. Featured alongside CMO of the Glimpse Group, James Watson, Dr. Marks explained the value of VR in clinical treatments for pediatric cancer patients, a support group therapy in VR, and why the Yale School of Medicine chose to partner with Foretell Reality.

“We needed a company that was going to work with us to customize the experience for what we felt our patients needed, and what our patients said they needed.” Yale Oncology Department chose Foretell because it is a peer-to-peer secured application, has great spatial audio, is hardware agnostic, and is customizable, Dr. Marks says. In his talk, Dr. Marks also highlights how VR has a lack of distraction, includes body language, a shared space, and opportunities for self-expression through avatars. His study participants followed his sentiment, saying “I preferred VR to Zoom due to the fact that it felt more immersive as though I was leaving my house to attend group”. “I would prefer a VR group to a Zoom group, as this feels more immersive” another participant agrees.

“Participation went from 0% to 73% when we put our patients into social VR support groups,” said Dr Marks, highlighting the significant impact the VR-based cancer support groups have had. “It was extremely helpful to be able to vent to people who actually get it”, adds another cancer participant. The support groups aimed to improve psychosocial care for cancer patients aged 18-25. But using the phone was their grandparents’ technology, and using Zoom was their parents’ technology, Dr. Marks says. VR, however, was something new and exciting. As an added benefit, the groups allowed patients with Leukemia to interact without having the increased risk of infection spread. Some patients joined support group sessions from the hospital, and some others were homebound. “I think I greatly benefitted from the group and it made me feel less isolated”, says a patient after participating in the program.

After over 9 months of detailed planning, Dr. Marks and his team ran Phase 1 and 2 pilot clinical trials with assessment tools such as resilience surveys to measure results. The average participant age was 19, and the most common diagnosis of participants was Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. They had four patients per group, a professional social worker, and an invisible observer. The results were very encouraging: they found statistically significant improvements in resilience. “I was a little embarrassed to be myself, but this group provided me with the confidence to be myself.” adds one member.

Following this collaboration, The Glimpse Group is working to make the implementation, management, and measurement of XR technology in healthcare easy, and to promote more studies and partnerships. As XR becomes more mainstream, the cost of entry will become more affordable, Asher Marks adds. One of the major benefits of this study will be that it sets a precedent for other healthcare organizations, as mentioned in their Q&A.


Why Therapy in Virtual Reality?


One reason that virtual reality (VR) therapy has profound impacts on human psychology is how immersive it is. Once a user puts on their virtual reality headset, they are transformed into a new space– A new reality where everything from the laws of physics to their environment can be modified. Secondly, there are no screens that frame the experience. This is because headsets provide sensory information that the brain processes as everyday reality. Additionally, the headset tracks head and body movements making the user navigate the virtual space with their body. So, with sounds, sights, and even haptic feedback, VR mimics physical spaces and situations with digital technology. As a result, users feel a full sense of bodily presence in the environments they explore through their headsets.

Presence is divided into three categories; personal, social, and environmental. Personal presence is easily created via virtual mirrors or visual identifiers like virtual hands. Social presence is established when interacting with other virtual beings like avatars or characters in a natural way, like through conversation or body language. And finally, environmental presence is a combination of the two that makes users feel connected to their virtual environments. In order to have a better understanding of presence, the ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory uses a four-factor assessment. They measure physical space, engagement, naturalness, and negative effects from the user’s point of view. This way, researchers can grasp how users’ journeys might impact their emotional states. So, despite debates on the definition and study of presence, there is a consensus that VR activates a sense of presence in a variety of users. This allows for a change in the dynamics of therapy, making it all the more immersive and rewarding.


In VR experiences, immersion and presence are particularly important for skill learning and insight creation. By providing a story or narrative that the user can participate in, VR transports individuals into worlds that foster engagement and enjoyment. The feeling is comparable to the satisfaction of watching a movie or playing a video game, but in VR, users have an active role in the story. Therefore, users feel a sense of agency and responsibility. VR therapy can gamify difficult situations to learn and practice new skills. With inspiring visuals and stories, users can gain skills transferrable to the real world, ranging from emotion regulation to mindfulness. Additionally, the interactive stories provided in VR can reduce negative self-focus and enable reflection on oneself from a new perspective. In the end, VR creates a platform for engaged learning that positively impacts personal narratives.

The potential of VR therapy is vast, and it promises to make its way into more therapy programs as VR becomes a part of our daily lives. This is because it enables experiential control for therapists, creates specialized scenarios for different needs, and produces environments for psychological growth and training. Practically, it immerses people in scenarios that are difficult to replicate in real life, costly, and sometimes even physically impossible. VR therapy is an outlet for agency, narrative change, and a next-level experience for healing.

Foretell Reality

Foretell Reality is a VR therapy platform that leverages immersion and presence to create intimate gathering spaces for therapy and support groups. The app uses lifelike avatars that track hand and body movements and creates a seamless sense of social presence.


Green, M. C., Brock, T. C., & Kaufman, G. F. (2004). Understanding Media Enjoyment: The Role of Transportation Into Narrative Worlds. Communication Theory, 14(4), 311-327. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2885.2004.tb00317.x

Lessiter, J., Freeman, J., Keogh, E., & Davidoff, J. (2001). A Cross-Media Presence Questionnaire: The ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 10(3), 282-297. doi:10.1162/105474601300343612

NewPathVR, N. (2020). VR Psychology. Retrieved August 13, 2020


VR for Spatial Navigation Training

Capacities of VR

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated technology that creates immersive and interactive experiences transcending physical boundaries. Currently used by clinicians and therapists alike, VR can assist many types of physical and mental rehabilitation programs. This includes the clinical assessment, training, and feedback on performance for spatial navigation challenges.

VR helps scientists measure the strategies different age groups and primate species use for navigation. In evolutionary psychology, it is used to test spatial cognitive abilities such as learning, memory, and spatial navigation. Studies examine navigation through mazes and environments with various 3D and 2D landmarks and sometimes track neural activity.

Researchers use VR in one of the most challenging areas in neuroscience: the investigation of cortical mechanisms. It is technically challenging to perform neurophysiological recordings on people who move freely and navigate various scenarios throughout the day. So, VR offers control over landmarks, distractions, and spaces to assess attention and behavior.

Treatment and Rehabilitation

A study shows that VR can help neurologically assess and rehabilitate conditions such as spatial disorientation. Spatial disorientation is a severe case of difficulty navigating all types of environments, new or routine, commonly caused by brain damage. A verbally-guided VR-based navigation training program improved route finding for 11 participants with spatial disorientation.

VR training could also help treat landmark agnosia, a condition where patients cannot locate landmarks in the real world, impairing their navigation. Trials were even successful with more common conditions such as amnesia. These simulations have shown to have ecological validity, as virtual representations of real-life environments have successfully trained individuals to navigate real-life environments.

One key benefit to spatial navigation training is protecting the hippocampus against age-related changes during early and late adulthood. With VR, training can be done from anywhere in the world and with fewer physical barriers to accessibility. Since there are over 171 million VR users worldwide, implementing spatial navigation training in VR games could also achieve widespread preventative success.

Foretell Reality

Foretell Reality is an inclusive social VR platform where up to 15 active users can meet for live therapy and support groups. In the app, users can walk or teleport around open spaces, exploring private and public environments. Some spaces also provide navigation simulations such as mazes that allow for real-time spatial navigation training with professionals.


Virtual reality in neurologic rehabilitation of spatial disorientation – PMC (

VR Training with Spatial Knowledge and Navigation (

Spatial navigation training protects the hippocampus against age-related changes during early and late adulthood – ScienceDirect

Virtual reality in neurologic rehabilitation of spatial disorientation – PMC (

Landmark Agnosia: Evaluating the Definition of Landmark-based Navigation Impairment | Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology | Oxford Academic (

Landmark Agnosia: Evaluating the Definition of Landmark-based Navigation Impairment | Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology | Oxford Academic (

The Hippocampus in the Limbic System (

23 Amazing Virtual Reality Statistics [2022]: The Future Of VR + AR – Zippia

experiencing awe in VR

The Therapeutic Power of Awe in VR

Awe In VR

Virtual reality offers a powerful, novel method by which awe can be experienced in almost any setting. Creating an authentic sense of presence among vast and complex stimuli, VR is reported to be awe-inspiring by users alike, from first-timers to VR fans who regularly play VR games, socialize, or do business in VR. While research identifies that awe is one of the most powerful emotions we feel, its current therapeutic utility is limited by the practical problem of bringing awe-inspiring environments into therapy settings.

VR, however, has the capacity to bring us into vast and immersive environments within seconds. It can therefore reactivate the transformative utility of awe by presenting carefully crafted 3D environments and lifelike social simulations. Awe is a reaction to stimuli characterized by two features: perceptual vastness, and the need for cognitive accommodation. In other words, awe tends to be evoked by stimuli that are large, either physically, or by their cognitive implication, and which challenge one’s existing understanding of the world. It is an emotion that we feel when we see a breathtaking landscape or listen to rich and moving music.

The Therapeutic Power of Awe

The psychological effects of awe have important implications for promoting well-being, including dampening the body’s stress responses, and drastically changing how people process information. After experiencing awe, people have a more communal sense of self and adopt more inclusive values. Likewise, experiences of awe increase openness to experience, reduce the need for cognitive closure and reportedly challenge one’s worldview. So, when multiple people are experiencing awe together, the foundations for community, care, and compassion are laid out immediately.

Inducing awe during therapy sessions in VR could also help people open up and be more comfortable, shifting their preconceived notions about therapy when there is resistance to treatment or healing. VR therapy has the power to change what we see, and the emotional and cognitive state that we find ourselves in. However, unlike any other therapy, it offers clients and therapists much more immersion and control. It can therefore be used as a therapeutic tool for psychological intervention at home, in workplaces, and in clinical settings within sessions starting from a mere 3 minutes.

Foretell Reality

Foretell Reality leverages the power of virtual reality to create environments and experiences that induce intimacy, and a shared sense of awe. From sitting around a campfire and playing the guitar, to watching the rain fall and drinking hot cocoa in a cozy room, users can meet in different settings and discuss matters that are close to their hearts. But it does not stop there, you can travel across the world, see 360 videos of places you have never been, and interact with the virtual world in a creative and collaborative way.

To read more about awe in VR and see experimental results, click here.


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